This week has been spent tackling the corset part of the dress. This has been especially difficult. I was not expecting it to be easy, though.
I used a free pattern from and adjusted it to me measurements. It was surprisingly difficult to find a pattern that didn't include a bust. I think corsetry should be incorporated more in 'male' outfits, but I digress. Luckily, I managed to find this waist corset which, when altered, appears like a corset sans bust, completely flat in the front.
When I went to Joanne's, I was unsure of how I was going to do the corset. I don't use patterns often and usually eyeball my measurements, so I decided I'd buy my fabric, come home and make the actual corset, and then once I had the corset and could measure how much binding I'd need from that I'd return to Joanne's to buy the binding.
Eyelets are a challenge for me. To properly install an eyelet, you have to hammer it down fairly hard, and I am terrified of damaging whatever surface I'm working on. I managed to break a nail and hammer my finger in the process of installing my eyelets. I also discovered I was a few eyelets short. I needed 18 and I bought a pack of 15, two of which were duds. This will be another thing I will be buying when I get the binding.
Overall, I am happy with my progress. I do not expect the skirt to take much time, as it's a simple tulle circle skirt, so my goal is to finish that by the end of the weekend.
