This was a messy project. I started off with oil paints and ended on a sewing machine. Thursday, I made the decision to switch my project to a fashion project, as the last one was going supremely poorly. It was a lot of work switching to a barely started project with only three days left.
I would like to start by saying I have never made an article of clothing before, and starting with lace as my fabric choice was not the best idea. For never having done this, I think I did pretty well, and I certainly learned a lot!
I learned to darn and hem, but I also learned how to manipulate the fabric and shape it by cutting and stitching certain parts.
This shirt represents dysphoria and how it affects me. I feel wide open, the lace symbolizing how I'm uncovered and vulnerable. The black, matte fabric is my shield, covering my chest and my scars. There are supposed to be thin chains lining the neck, but they didn't ship in time. That would have symbolized me being chained down by my own expectations/ideas of what I should be.
