One of the most important lessons I've learned as an artist is how influential the title of one's artwork can be. I try for the titles of my work to be indicative of the meaning behind the piece, but also have double-meanings and make the consumer think. For instance, my piece "Ripe Pomegranetes and Rotten Apples." It's a play on how pomegranetes are a symbol of death and apples a symbol of life, but are doing the opposite things. It's also a reference to the content of the piece and to the tale of Persephone and Hades from Greek mythology. One of my favourite artists that utilizes the opportunity titles give is Tomislav Jagnjic.
Tomislav Jagnjic is a concept artist and illustrator from Belgrade, Serbia. Much of his work is in the digital medium. He does gorgeous fantasy scenes and the detail in his pieces amazes me, but what really caught my eye when first looking upon his work was his titles.

This is my favorite piece of his. It's called "yo bro is it safe down there in the woods? yeah man it's cool." The detail and emotion in the work juxtaposed with the silly title makes me smile, really look at the work, and want to see more. I have tried to incorporate the magic of a good title into my own work, but truly, this is masterful.

Take this piece, for example. I first notice the bright, orange figure, a beacon of light contrasting the duller coloured scene. I then notice the carvings in the face of the rock-creature, the giant skull, the bone at the forefront to the right, the backpack the creature is wearing. The more I look, the more detail I see. Finally, I look at the title: "can't believe u forgot the scrolls, how am i supposed to resurrect the dragon now?" Hilarious. Comedy genius. I look back at the picture and see it in a different light. The rock-creature is looking downward in shame, having forgotten the scrolls, the entire purpose of this journey they'd travelled so long for. The robed figure, exasperated, rubbing their temples as they half-heartedly berate the creature, knowing that they can't stay mad at their friend for very long. They'll have to start over, but it's ok. The journey had been fun.

Or this piece. Look at that vegetation. That must have taken so long. Look at how the artist has made the creature out of the same material as the background, but still made them stand out. Amazing. The title? "hey psst, wanna buy some cubes." Why yes, yes I do.
Artist's Website: